8Minute Talk show — Mansour Kiarash, Davood Moshtaghi, Marketing Manager at Shopp Co

8Minute Talkshow
5 min readJan 21, 2021


Mansoor Kiarash: Hello, I am Mansour Kiarash. We are with you with an eight-minute talk show. Today we want to talk to one of the most experienced and skilled marketing managers in the field of E-commerce and digital marketing who has many years of very good experience in the field of digital marketing and works in the field of E-commerce. I would like to introduce Davood Moshtaghi to you. Hello Mr. Moshtaghi.

Davoud Moshtaghi: Hello dear

Mansoor Mansour.

Thank you so much. I’m so glad to see you. I am Davood Moshtaghi.

Davoud Moshtaghi: I have been working in the field of E-commerce since 1391. I started this job with an online shop which I Set up myself. This was a clothing shop. After one or two years of my work, I was attracted to Golestan Holding. After that Modiseh online shop was launched. For about five and a half years, I held various positions in Golestan Group and Modiseh shop (marketing manager and board of director’s member). Now, I am the shop marketing manager.

Mansoor Kiarash: Wonderful.

Well, we are very glad to have you here, and if we are going to ask the questions, according to all the businesses you are in and want to talk about, what is the biggest marketing challenge you have ever had?

Davoud Moshtaghi: I should say that there are too many challenges. If I want to go over the biggest challenges that I am going to focus on one of them later, is the relationship with the Technical units. One issue is measuring the right criteria. Another issue that is very important is the Team issue (both the marketing team and the personnel who are working in a group). They measure the customer through themselves. Another challenge that may occur in the marketing team, is Falling into repetition. I mean, If you work in a group for several years, they say that we did this job last year, So we will do the same this year. If I want to choose the biggest challenge from those I mentioned, one is this issue and the other is the subject that top managers and investors do not want what they should want and they require things that disturb the team’s focus.

Mansoor Kiarash: How were you able to resolve this issue during this period?

Davoud Moshtaghi: This is usually something that we teach, and somehow we may not say that I am giving you a training class. We give some data and you look at them and see that this data shows that what you want to measure, is useless and what we are working on is appropriate. The team is stuck in a local optimism and says, “Well, we did this job last year, and this year the same thing is suitable.” We always try to value creativity. When something creative happens, we appreciate it a lot and say Bravo! It is an encouragement to creativity and to give people freedom in that creativity that prevents repetition.

Mansoor Kiarash: Very good.

Now you talked about creativity, and the second thing I wanted to talk about was on the subject of innovation and creativity and something like that. Now briefly, if we want to talk about innovation, would you please tell us do you use a specific method in innovation? Or what type of structure do you have for innovation?

Davoud Moshtaghi: We do not set any limits for this; It gives you a sense of supremacy. For example, I myself say, well, guys, sit down and do this. You have to prevent it as much as you can. For example, In Modiseh, if we wanted to do something, we used to say loudly: “Well, guys, we want to do this today. What should we do?” Then everyone could start commenting and giving ideas, and immediately it was turning into action. Even if they saw a small output about their work, they were informed and this progress gradually made their work worse. People’s Self-improvement that you do not have to tell them every day to go and do something creative for me, is the best way. They already know that something creative needs to be done, and you do not have to be supremacy to do everything yourself. That team makes the group move forward.

Mansoor Kiarash: Great!

Well, we want to make it a little more personal. If you want to introduce a book, what is that book, and in what field can it probably strengthen the people who read it?

Davoud Moshtaghi: The book “Why Nations Fail”. Of course, it is a very thick book. Whatever is said there (why nations fail), do not do at all. If I want to tell you about that book, it says that institutionalization, and the people who are working in the fields which they are in and if they have automated themselves, and there is an opportunity for their improvement to be active and compete with each other, makes the whole system grow. The book says that wherever creative destruction is prevented, the growth will be prevented too.

Mansoor Kiarash: Very good.

The process of becoming a manager (marketing or strategy manager or whatever) maybe is a process that for example, you work for one or two years, three or four years, or as long as you work in the field of expertise. After that, you will probably get a promotion based on the knowledge that has been added. For example, the ability to analyze and something like that. You become a manager, and even reaching this position, may not be so difficult. In your opinion and in your life, what is the habit that made you become a manager and remaining a successful manager? That means, probably not to be behind the industry. Especially in the digital industry, where the speed of the changes is much faster.

Davoud Moshtaghi: One of the issues is being up-to-date and not stopping studying. New things are happening in this industry every day. Every day different data is created in different formats and we should know how we can use this data. Some techniques are created, and every day a series of new people are created, and from one place to another, you may not sit on the system yourself and coding and designing a forecasting model. But you must be able to find people who can help you. Another issue is networking, which is the relationship with other managers and other businesses.

Mansoor Kiarash: Remarkable.

Your opinion was useful. Thank you. And if we want to ask you to introduce someone to us, so that we can invite them to transmit their good knowledge, whom do you introduce?

Davoud Moshtaghi: The first person that comes to my mind is Mr. Mehdi Foroughi; Bimito Marketing Manager.

Mansoor Kiarash: Wonderful! Well, we will definitely create the invitation and present it to Mr. Foroughi through you, and we hope that he will accept this invitation from us and we will meet him here. Thank you very much for watching this video and we will talk to marketing and strategy managers and brand managers in other fields in the next talk shows. I think other exciting events are on the way. Thank you.



8Minute Talkshow
8Minute Talkshow

Written by 8Minute Talkshow

8Minute Talk about Strategy, Marketing and Branding challenges in international brands

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